
A Warm Family-温暖的家庭英语作文

爸爸工作很忙,但他依然不忘陪我。每当他有空,他会帮我一起做功课,节假日带我去公园。我是在父母的爱和呵护下长大的,我爱我温暖的家庭。My father is very busy, but he doesn"t forget to accompany me。 When he is free, he helps me do my homework。 On holidays he often takes me to parks。 I grow up with the love and care of my pare ...



This monday I'll be a guide to Beijing. We'll watch the National Flag Ceremony in the morning. Then in the afternoon we'll visit the Imperial Palace and the museum. Then we'll try some famous snacks, such as Beijing roast duck.And that's all for that day. ...


My House(我的房子)英语作文

I have a house。 It is big and new。 There are eight rooms in it。They are a living-rooma kitchenthree bedroomone study and two bathrooms。 I watch TV in the living-room。 I do my homework in the study。 I have dinner in the kitchen。 This is my house。I like it。 ...



Zhao Wei and Zhang Jie did well in all subjects。 They both worked hard and competed each other。 Each of them wanted to be the best in the class。 Last term they both got the highest marks。赵伟和张杰是我们班里成绩较好的学生,他们两个人学习都很努力,并且两个人互相竞争,比看谁是第一名,在上学期期末考试中,两个人是并列第一名。 ...



Stan: I won 92 goldfish.Fred: Where are you going to keep them?Stan: In the bathroom 。Fred: But what will you do when you want to take a bath?Stan: Blindfold them!斯丹:我赢了 92 条金鱼。弗雷德:你想在哪儿养它们?斯丹:浴室。弗雷德:但是你想洗澡时怎么办?斯丹:蒙住它们的眼睛! ...


我的卧室(My bedroom)英语作文

Look!This is my bedroom。 There are some things in my bedroom。 There"re a bed,a desk, five photos and a chair。 The bed is an the floor。 It"s blue。 The desk is neet thebed。 the chair is under the desk。 They are red。 The photos are on the wall。 My bedroom ie very nice。 I love my bedroom very much! ...


Who am I?(自我介绍)英语作文

Hello! My name is Feifei。 My mother is very beautiful。 My father is very handsome。 So I’m very lovely。 Look! My coat is white。 My eyes are blue。 I have a long tail。 Fish is my favorite food。 I like mice too。 Guess! Who am I? ...



Today is a sunny day I\'mgo hiking with my parents. look! there is a prak !there have many elephants and kangaroo……oh!the bady elephants are how cute! they are drinking water with it trunk. the bears are sleeping on the grees !look!the kangaroos are jumping to us!……today I\'m so happy! ...


A Math Contest-数学竞赛英语作文

上个月我们年级举办了数学竞赛,许多同学也参加了竞赛,我擅长于数学,经过努力我获了奖。老师表扬了我,同学也为我高兴。Last month there was a math contest in our grade。 A lot of students joined it。 I prepared for it carefully and worked hard。 I got the prize and our teacher praised me。 My classmates were glad for me。 ...


happy day 快乐的一天英语作文

Today I\'m very happy,after I have breakfast,I go to park。It\'s a sunny day ,the bird is singing,I\'m singing too。When I get to park,I see some girls are playing games ,so I join them。We play very happy。Then I have lunch with my friends。We both have a good time。what\'s a happy day!< ...





