
A Go来自od Child-好孩子英语作文及翻译

今天我360国学在上学的路上看见一个小孩领着一个盲人过马路,我认为盲人是这个小孩的父亲。钢果得愿度货几供端充过了马路后,盲人对他说:“煤既呼快欢谢谢你,小朋友。”字草民律坚政挥书口这时我才明白原来是做好事的。T级刘未现因原oday on my way to school, I saw a boy leading an old man to cros兴负切将思其汉太声史s the road。 I thought he was the boy"s father。 But after crossing, the old man said:"Thank yo ...


Chess Fan-材免宗田阶变德苗旧那属棋迷精选英语作文

我们班小召是一个棋迷,他棋下得非常好。他会下各种棋,每年在我由感们校举行棋类大赛时,他都能获得几个奖,我们都为他高兴。C会我没严介开钱值一慢倒hess Fan Xiao Zhao of our class is a che温换展慢弱导价管担液京ss fan. He can play all kinds of chesses. He plays chess ve都带组合技损ry well and gets some prizes when there is a chess contest in our school each year. We congratulate him 众省and are happy for him. ...



Dear m呼际少和优会other:I'm your child . Today i诉急感张屋父输创每调出s Mother's day.I have a lot of say军明片讲请要北宜思社ing to you. Thank you your love!Let me know how to be a good student.Thank you your love!Let me know how to make friend. Thank you your love!Let me 少风架so happy! I want t斗结属掌法红控已o say you I love you ! yours. ...


My Chinese New Year(我的中国新年)英语作文

My Chinese Ne>Today is Chinese Ne>Before Chinese Ne to the flo h y mother to buy some flohe Lily flo>During the neched firehe fireiful.At night I ate lots of delicious food as s.I felt so h守全良散appy ! I felt happy and surprry this Chinese Ne> ...


Mothers Day (母亲节)英语作文

Mother's Day c应几论算厂判海唱果宪谈omes on the second Sunday in May each year。 On that day this year, I bought a sweater and some flowers for my mother to thank her for her hard work for me。 Receiving my gift, my mother was very happy。母亲节是五月应刘台急谈画聚吃太的第二个星期日。今年母亲节那天,我为母亲买了一件毛衣和一束鲜花作为礼物,感谢母亲为我付出的辛苦。母亲收到礼 ...


To St具养术丝教求udy by Ourselves-自主学习英语作文及翻译

“非典”袭击了北京,我们学生不能到学校上学,我们都很担心我们的学习,空中课堂解除了我们的顾虑,让我们在家安心地学习,我们也知道了自主学习的重要性。Beijing 表烧味地切谓大沉红met with SARS this spring。 We worried about our study because we could not go to school。 Classroom in the Air helped us and we could study at home without worrying。 We ...


A Basket杆毛要ball Match-一场篮原注吧球赛英语作文及翻译

昨天我们班和(3)班举行了一场篮黑秋种掉球赛,两队的球员非在美低强未排危切都打得非常好。最后(3)班胜利了,我们为他们高兴,并下决心在下次比赛中打败他们。Yesterday there was a basketball match 脸五末between our Class and Class 3。 The players in 标从往火财晶two teams played very well in the match。 At last Class 3 won the match。 We were happy for them and made up our minds t强金很八创反喜o beat them ...


A cave is a home英语作文

A cave is a home for bats and bugs and spiderstoo.A z起散要调价地哥当映非oo is a home for 款史距很zebra and elephant and spiderstoo.A tree is a home for birds and monkey and spiderstoo.A cl果有请assroom is a home for classmate and teacher and -bay哪曲雷做治固未律spider. ...



Best Friend I haue a good friend She is a girl Her name is 永铁吃跑注跟Sarch We are ciassmates She is a 13-year-old girl She is good-looking She has long biack hair She is meidum buil个构材d But she is a little bit short She is very cute Everyone 重即福优鱼级飞欢液loves her very much She is my best friend ...



Hello!May name is Cheng Miao。I"m a boy。I"m a student。I"m from Su Zhou。l"m 11。My luchy numbur is 10。 May favourite fruit is ermelons and peaches。I like my Engli书善重史sh teacher Miss Xu and my music teac名齐尽会语械手来her Miss Zou花儿充杂斗。 I love my father and mother。They love me,too。 ...





