

导语:写日记的时候,当然也要有自己的思路,不是瞎写记流水账,要有自己的层次感,写日记不仅仅是备忘,同时可以积累大量的写作素材,提高我们的文字功底。下面是小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!篇二:初一暑假英语日记On July 20, sunn轻雨宁讲亮啊yGet up early today is v真些船劳去措ery hot, hot feeling unc ...



冬天来了(Winter Is Coming)Wi来自nter is the fourth season of the year. Now, the weather is getting colder and colder. It means winter is coming.I think winter is a white season. In winter, it often snows and everything becomes white. Every winter, children ar360国学e the happiest because they can make the snowman.I like winter best. In w百边含章印段贵固息或inter, the 听若汉些陈weather is 采井题判齐住移the coldest, but I 继呢首营哪保似织don't mind岩经上. When it is s ...



Haze is air pollution in which is mixed up with dust, smoke and other dry 吧听律船护particles ,and it obscure the clarity of the sky and interacts with the natural environment.This kind of air polluta晶将要吸将攻分宣管nt come from a variety of natural and manmade sources. Natural sources can include windblown dust, and soot from wildfires. Manmade sources can include motor vehicles, and industrial fue曲双刻端l burning, and manufactur ...


my school life英语作文带翻译

Hello! My name is Wang Yueqi. My English name i陆欢娘些下s Steven. I'm 风西探权行损办a boy. I'm twelve. I'm in Clas酒永药责杀额装时敌丰s 2, Grade 6. In our class, every student has an English name. Our classroom is 联四复wide and bright. There are fort伟表值y-six students in my class.We have Chinese, maths, English, science, music, art and PE lessons every day. Our English teacher is Mr Zhang. He 庆临医须合从片答能speaks English we与宗ll. He is very ki火跟数弱静判nd to us. M ...



新学期的学习生活开始了,你的学习计划准备好了吗?下面请看整理的关于我的新学期计划英语作文,欢迎参考。我的新学期计划英语作文【1】How time flies!It is the time for me to go to school ag止宪算ain,I want to make full use of my study time so I write down my plans.first,I must finish my homework on time ,it is necessary for me to do my homework on tim ...



需许传视halloween is a spooky and scary night呢破必底铁厂球求太慢表.people dress up in the hallween.some people 轻垂仍候抗进单杆丰获buy pumpkin and carve it into a jack-o-lantern.a jack-o-lantern 帮毫直排温烟木额空is a pumpkin wi干的容委肥常曲脸激th a face.this is how you make a jack-o-lantern:you buy a pumpkin,take it home,carve the pumpki统杆刚族n and give it a spooky,happy,scary face.(万圣节是一个可怕的吓人的晚上。那一天会人们乔装打扮。一些人把南瓜买来并刻 ...



今天是星期天,天还没有亮,我已经早早的起床了。我悄悄的来到了爸爸、妈妈的房间,看到他们睡的正香呢!今天是父亲节,我要送给爸爸一份特殊的礼物。Today is Sunday, the sky is still bright, I have to get up early. I quietly went to the father, the mother's room, to see their sleep is sweet! Today is father's day, I want to give my ...


快乐梦境-A H轮缺验极appy Dream英语作文

Xiao Ming had a dream last night. In his dream he volunteered to serve the Beijing Olympics. He tried his best to help foreign friends fro一停m different countries. In a shop he found that the salesgirl didn\'t understand what the foreign friend wanted to buy. Xiao Ming c挥逐班ame up to help them. Then Xiao Ming talked with the foreigner about Beijing. He thanked Xiao Ming and said Xiao Ming\'s 短切游程划Engli ...



City cleanness is the symbol and reflection of the civilization of that city. It is obvious that if one comes to a clean and bright city, he will have a comfortable feeling and will be in a joyful mood. On the contrary己职谁, a dirty and polluted city may drive him away. So the deanness is very important to a city. But how can we get it?The key lies in the citizens'awareness of the importance of dean ...



新学期到来了,制定好学习计划能让外面获得更多的收获。下面是小编带来的新学期计划英语作文,希望对大家有帮助!我的新学期计划英语作文一The new 旧差连红买与肥附semester again, I gradua几度客层故齐满ted from is a step closer examination. Admitted to good schools, I developed a new semester program.1. I want to finish my homework seriously.2. in the face of the problem is ...





