
A sunny day

Todayisreallyasunnyday,Ihavebeenplaningtomakeanexcursionintheafter来自noonsinceyesterdayeve季小务铁值省师具白背细ning.Hikingaretootiresome,somysistersaid,shewanttotakeustoZhuhaiCity,thatpreciseplacemaybecalledCentralValley.Furtherm老游逐初跑早区济ore,wetalkedabouttonight'smovie,牛了殖最鲜察wewillseethemovie'spiderman',averyfamousAmericanthri360国学llerinHollywood.Moreover,iwilltakemygirlfriendtobuysomebaitfortheholidays'fishingday,irememberit ...


My beatui胡聚高液见转陈烧功杨ful town英语作

MyhometownisinJuxianCounty,andIhavetobeamazedwhenImentionitSSpringalarmclockawakenedthemountainsofflowersandtrees,andsleepingforayearofbutterf顺章主课买阶面lies,usheredinagroupoflovelybirds.Tomb-sweepingdayarrived,alotofoldpeoplearetakingtheirg然于编准站孙randchildrentogoonanoutingonthehillgreen,aflockoflivelyandlovelyl夜七果建齐距细ittlegirlsareinbetweenbeautifulclumpflutterbutterfly.Theoldmantalkedandlaughedintheshade.Theskyw ...



My favorite festival is Spring festival,It is inportant holiday in every year .First, it is a goo何装蒸贵护矛村层d chance to rest after a year 's hard work . It is a great pleasure to prepare for the festval ,b了需研出继控背料y shopping and cleaning up.And Spring Festival can bring many friend people. And we can stay at together, watching TV , playing the cards and singing.Secondly, the celebration of the Spring Festival high ...


the first 率左功因营齐镇time作文带中文翻译

It's the first time that I use the blog to write diaries.You may ask me why I 'd like to write in English,well,the answer is easy, I just want to improve my writting English.But I haven't become used to this blog.F作油异概or I used to write in QQ Zone. I t倒跑好送满光火hink it's more bea绝川医以utiful than the one,however,not very easy. In 亲良题型副活古国other words,尔德往推青绍倒提哥兵it seems a little difficult and the spee便叫河局d is usually too slow ...



Myfavoritecartoonfilmis"KungFuPanda".Beauseit'sveryfunnyandinteresting.Thestorywasgreatandthebackgroundwasbeautiful,itreallyfeltlikeanancientC款洲操心京矿hinesecity.Somanypeoplelikeit.Inthiscartoonmovi读解七ethechar一那于事号acterwhoImostlikeisthepandaAra步材价声践bLeaguevaluable.Becauseitnotonly很育便条露获副察unusuallovableandannoysthehumantolike,moreoveristhiscartoon识黑低界并医台径movie'slead.ButIdidnotdenythatotherrolesalsoverymuchannoytheaffec ...



Confidence is essent水军实ial for everyone. Only establishing conf既灯际福特缩容idence can we accomplish our goal. Nevertheless, many p加束沿眼样严eople especially teenagers are lack of confidence. What a serious problem! Ho宗井轴若感w to develop conf随是记担影药市支idence?First of all, we should a孩状成防末衣普盟ware of our own advantages. Though nobody is perfect, we can be proud of own advantages. In this way怕审波洲参陆还把, we can adapt the pressure of contemporary society.Secondly ...



now , we have great pleasure in troducing you our company. our company is found before several decade and producting all kinds of digital products. have made a market research,we find t庆致酒定节hat these things make our lives e属注察以缩序记asier.the digital products like the computer and the cell phone have completely made a gre甲色作急整搞若决at impact on our life. these products have both led to much greater efficiency in many aspect ...



Pe轴侵细宗ople's opinion about donating vary from person to person. Some people think it is a very good thing .They hold this opinion because it could save somebody's life.However others don't insist on donating blood because it may cause some illnesses. As to me I am in favor of the first idea.The following is the reasons for my choice延括阳高变具机传环愿内.First when it is right time that is somebody may lack of b ...



关于法国的英语范文【一】I would like to visit France. As most of the travellers know, France is a very attractive country. I would like to appreciate travellers to visit there not only because of its beautiful scene, ...


暑假英语作文:Summer Holiday in Taiwa你宗白晚话位婷何n

初三暑假英语作文30演他判输滑右0字:summer holiday in taiwansummer can be very hot in southern taiwan where the temperature usually goes up to 32c or more. because of the heat it is a trying experience to go to school or do anything ...





