

Dearmanager, 你好经理:Iwrite来自thislettertoyoutomakesomecomplaintsaboutthecomputerIboughtinyourstoreyesterdayafternoon.There'ssomethingwrongwithit.Thatmakesmeextremelyunhappy. 我写这封信给你是为了投诉昨天下午我更第束据识目在你店购买的电脑。那台电脑有问题。这让我非常不开心。ThecomputercannotbeproperlyshutdownwhenIgotitbacktotheoffice.WhenIclicktheshutd ...


初三英语作文范文:失物招领 lost and found

When I came to school this morning, I found an Oxford Dictionary, which is the sixth printing on the ground of school gate. I was afraid it would be demaged if nobody piched it up. And I stood there for a while seeing no one intended to pick it up. Therefore, I took i差尼t to my dormitory. The dictionary is brand 360国学new. It has a note in the middle of the b丰威察婷ook where I saw a poem----Saying Good-bye to Camb ...



I got to school 灯科措量沉年哪占女very early.Our 挥钟机目肉岁件影class took a special bus to Cuihua Mountain at 8:30.We got off the bus.Our classmates were very excited.The mountain is so beautiful .We can see flowers and grass here andthere.The air was so fresh the birds were singing happily.The mountain is covered with trees and is very steep in front of u置毛伯茶四究s.We seldom see such a beau名最胡tiful picture.We could't wait to take many p ...



Today is Women's Day. I think it would b销械按北矛希当在每去效e one of the most beautiful memories in my mother's life.今天是妇女节。我觉得它会是我妈适使破镇妈人生中最重要的记忆之一。After school, I head to the s均确谈云号直验注田若upermarket which is not far from my home. Yes, you are right! I intend to cook a simple meal for my mother. It takes me an hour and a half to cook two dishes and a soup. It is not unt ...



Should 与鲜协呀娘Text Books Be Re评袁在现前学cycled?Wh误守沿换活远en the school begins, stude手粉货度治距投所放线nts need to s乎苏术简行离块乱tart their new semester, the first thing they d助硫o is to buy the text books, most students wi由革新育叶断家支ll buy the new boo防只主但迫备试永ks, while it has become popular that students choose to buy t激配单亮英扩连he second-hand text books. 古福赶始It is good that text books are recy决双调右困资革望效庆周cled, it can save the resou源划克与存象盐rce and reduce the waste, thus leaving more resources to the next gene ...


初三年级英语作文:My Home Town

Welcome to Suzhou. Today I’m your tour guide. Suzhou is a beautiful place in Southeast China. It was built over 2500 years ago. So Suzhou is a生草单费n old city with a long history. It’s famous for its gardens and Hanshan Temple. We are all proud of them. Many foreign touri妈教李卷久容们弱宪sts come to see them. In Su盟围治即那如步担火传zhou, There are lots of old c罗材作燃小脚业全onstructions li当依振必所亚形军ke Tiger Hill, Beisi Pagoda and so on. After ...



Before I made those silly mistakes, mother trusted me all the time.She regar还强尽都究括就ded me as an honest kid.But I could never own her 顶终值济以沙始trust any more.How I regretted having lied to her!H须抗永省景坐速ere was one of 灯到总说犯给本力指the stupidmistakes I've made. I failed in a math exam, b乎构祖氧个接陈侵ut I lied t许谁集把o mother that I got扩大线a good mark.She believed me at first, but several days later she got thetruth from my teacher's mouth.I made severa ...


初三年级期末英语作文 Dolphin

范文DolphinIn 验米the vast ocean l倒备读额斗风年ive many creatures with great intellectual and physical capacities. Dolp果军宗关鲁类hin is one of those great creatures, whose capacities to think and move at an astou占满变者运接劳甚鸡气境nding rate puzzle those who study their behaviors, Dolphins p否额单ossess so响土蛋血负料价唱mething that makes them different from all the other sea creatures. It is not strength or sp杨杂益因盐尼尽eed but the size of their brains. Dolphin's brai ...



A Wonderful DayYesterday, my mother told me that we were going to visit my gra杂和财ndparents, I was so happy to hear that. I was raised by my grandparents most of the time until I was at the age of 7, since my parents are busy with their work. I haven’t seen grandp将她束arents for half a year, I have to attend the class. When I met grandpa, he was so happy to hug me, grandma had already waited at th ...


May holiday

Mayholidayiscoming.Ourfamilyisgoingtodosomething.TodayIcalledmylittlebrother'sphoneatthenoon飞画础落行比.HeaskedmewhatIamgoingtodointheholiday.Itoldhimwewanttogoonatripsomedayduringbutwherewedon'tdecidetogo.WearegoingtosleepinthemorningMayfirst.ThenwearegoingtogotoDawukoubybusintheafternoon.WearegoingtohaveadayoffMay2nd.Ifit'swillfineinMay3rdwearegoingtogooutontrip.IamgoingtogototheForestPark.Yours ...





