On Saturday, we w来自ent camping, with our teachers。 First we pitched the tent。 then our older brothers and old360国学er sisters played game with us。 At noon, we all had a delicious lunch fo会步机香太llowed by a barbecue for dinner。 At night, we had bonfire and sang and danced。 ...
Everybody knows that there is serious problem of water pollution on the earth. Yes, water pollu工停以卷事爱含含损tion is increasing. ...
Shakspere (wrong spelling) created Hamlet--a man with wisdom and courag余续你育e 。In order to revenge 事模月副布首玉电on his uncle for killing his father he pretented (spelling mistake) to be mad and suffered a series of misery。 On the contrary we can also 序say that Hamlet is rude and selfish for he did not think twice before his revenge 。 if (Capitalize "If" si犯象航风井案元情吧总nce it is the b马单李eginning word of t风都目本将促载行担矿特he sentence。) a country has no king how can a country keep alive (You need a question mark here since it is a question。) So ever ...
Afrer a whole day's hard studing, I fell very tie记创若责论及使久rd and want to go out to play football for fan。 But my teachers always say that it takes too much time and can make us away f观调友妈rom studing。S越浓他饭向树太有阿分o they usually 临don't let us play football。 ...
My fathr is a nic man. H liks to play computr gams. H is an ownr of a factory w拉按皇著左杨根社做台hich prod与段ucs many things 块乡掌例穿往沉身势背宗.H is good at dsigni晚赶上划干滑ng. H works vry ha司达鸡做运找rd. I lov him vry much bcaus somtims I can hlp him 己的固器to do somthing in h武is factory .H is a导氢需证找口轻村加几lways on businss trips bcaus h has his businss vrywhr so it taks up too much of his tim . Thr金阻井环质利头for h dosn’t h互如硫年损终也思av any tim to play with m but I don’t blam him for that. I oftn spnd a lot of my tim on th 预刻考跳轻种倍computr so I hav somthing to do. My mothr is usually on th phon and tlls ...
Yao Ming is my favourite basketball player。 He is 25 years old now, a伤nd he is fr破om Shanghai。 He is tall and has sh固编证说查装配课ort hair。 He"s very strong。 The basketb菜all fans call him flying man in China。 He likes playing basketbal静随刚史过在l, reading books and singing。 He"s very rich now。 H县支城翻拉来燃站兴收e"s very popular in our country。 He is the pride of China。 【参电帝似被考译文】 姚明是我最喜欢的篮球运动员。他今年25岁,上海人,刘船联章别样医征关个子高高的,留着短发,身体强壮。他的篮球粉丝们都叫他“中国飞人”。他喜欢篮球、读书和唱歌。他现在很有钱。他在我国很受欢迎。他是中国的骄傲。 ...
I think I"m pretty healthy, althou甚检gh I hardly ever exercise。 I 田加待田所阿only exercise in P。E class。 My eating habits are not very good, either。 I eat fruit every day。 Although I don"t really like vegetables, my mother wants me to try to eat vegetables。 Because it"s good for my health。 I drink milk three o厚衣r four times a week, an季束d I never drink coffee。 I like junk food, and I ea布便t it three or four times a week。 But it"s bad for me, so I try to eat less junk food。 I usually sleep eight hours every night。 So ...
在一次考试中,老师有米个内纪距资评约真事出去了。教室里很安静,大家都政干式居刘行训贵费在忙着答卷子。起初我答得很顺利,但过了一会儿,我遇到了一道难题,怎么想都想不出来。同学们大多都已经交卷了,我非常着急,想作弊。可是我脑海里突然有个声音告诉我:“要诚实,永不太令发征术协展拉若全也作弊!”我终于没有打开书。最后,我没答那道题就交卷了。虽然我没有得高分,但我赢得了一次“道德测验”。诚实比高分更重督毛吃载加笔副煤因要。 ...
Ms Jerry is a forei路宽儿纪鲜地日台画么图gn teacher. She oomes fro船庆投族作自m New Zeal满单怀入滑山注司农族and. She is thirty-one years old. She has fair 挥护洋续乐继解hair white skin an方较沙地动病d gray eyes. 态别希零余娘降挥官仅冲She is tall and slim. She looks very kind. An西聚古训d in fact she is kind indeed. ...
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