My Sundays Written by Wang Yingfang(王应芳)from Class 7 Grade 8 ...
one p针消露必括ossible version: ...
根课据王林的e-mail内晚植无样普蛋括沙脱早容,在海报中列出主处该点要信息。 ...
War spending ...
Sunday, September 7th, 2008, ...
eddwiss, edelwe协草略联晶空如族iss, every morning you grate me, small and white , clean and bright. ...
every 谁洋停树运站景宜酒危织year a lot of p只个油超封活愿eople got injure令杀波亚威d or died in traffic accidents. it is reported that many accidents resulted from people’s breaking of traffic rules. so it is necessary for all to keep the traffic rules in mind and obey them strictly. ...
What will th图茶提合结娘唱袁裂料省e life be like in th裂言第表华念双帮e futute? Well, as far as I can te维找ll, the li河快的侵湖术赵清景述场fe will be much better i侵向清克的样充相n the future. First of all, we will have more advanced technology, which will h接么管所者应减且输树界elp us a lot. For example, our clothes will be more environmentally friendly, and the paper-made clothes will be very common. Secondly, it is possible that we can travel to the outer space whenever we want. I酸n addition, we are capable of living in man-made cities under seas. The life in the fut害存呢声示脸理志常树ure is fantas破之脱期娘述级行反tic and wonde ...
7月13日晚,我们全家人围坐在电视机前,焦急地等待着北京申办奥运的消息。当22时08分国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇宣布北京赢得2008年夏季奥运会的主办权时,我们全家人都激动地跳了起来。我们拥抱在一起,欢呼着,雀跃着。“我们赢了,我们胜利了!” ...
Should students make friends on l够端了ine ? ...